- Geekmaster
- 2021-08-14 10:23:47
- 16 minute(s)
These 5 Precious Hacks Will Help You Build Your Empire Hands Down
Is your goal to build an empire around your business? That dream, held by many, doesn’t happen overnight. So, what does it take to achieve success? If you are looking to build an empire and not just a part time income, this article should help you. I’m going to share with you 5 precious hacks that will help you build your own empire hands down.
Are you a person who wants to grow your business into an empire?
Do you have a vision of massive growth, huge success and international influence? When you are standing at the bottom of the mountain of empire building it can seem impossible to reach that goal. While ambition, passion, and hard work are undeniably important traits for building a business, there are a lot of other habits that make someone a boss in life and business. And they’re attainable for all of us. They don’t require multiple degrees or thousands in our bank account.
Some people love to build things that matter, are vast, and last.
There is nothing wrong with seeking out a ‘lifestyle’ business, where you earn a humble income on the side to fund a humble lifestyle, working a little less and earning a little more. But that is not for everyone. Maybe you want to build a legacy. You want to make millions — or billions — and don’t want to sit on a beach sipping cocktails, you want an EMPIRE.
A one-man business or company might become successful. However, a business empire can become more successful, stable and profitable.
Thus, if you want to reach the zenith of business success, building an enterprise which employs a great army of workers and influence a great number of customers and people is a great goal to consider and achieve. Creating a business kingdom seems to be difficult. But in this world, including the business world, anything can happen and any dream can become reality.
I’m going to show you how to aim high, build that empire and make sure no one takes your dream away and turns it into a nightmare.
It’s easy to look at the world’s wealthiest people and marvel at their accomplishments. They can afford to buy multiple houses and cars and luxuries that most of us can only dream of. In some cases, this wealth might be inherited, but the vast majority of millionaires and billionaires are self-made. These wealth empires don’t just appear out of thin air; they are worked for and pushed for over the course of a lifetime. The fact is that they didn’t get their social status by accident. Here are five ways they built their vast empires.
Hack #1: Conquer Yourself
Be brave enough to follow your dreams. Take action when it’s needed and don’t wait around to see how things pan out. One of the bravest decisions you may have to make is knowing when to leave your steady, full-time job for the uncertainty of stepping out on your own. It’s a tough call, but you will know when the time is right, if you can find the courage.
Don’t lose faith in your own capabilities.
Is that arrogance? Perhaps, but I’d argue it’s simply having the self-confidence to know what you want and how you’re going to achieve it. If you don’t believe in yourself and your idea, who will? Empire builders are highly motivated people. They don’t let their determination cool off due to defeats. If they don’t succeed at first, they simply try again and again. They use failure as a motivation rather than an obstacle.
People are the most important part of a business empire, and the first person that you must motivate to work for you is yourself.
Hence, you should have a strong motivation to pursue your business goals. Conquer your own self. Overcome and defeat your weaknesses, such as indolence, procrastination, impatience and ignorance. Start knowing yourself and discovering your hidden talents and potentials. Improve yourself by learning and realizing more things that are of important to your objectives.
🔈 Someone has said
Acting like a boss starts with the mindset, and sometimes that means acting the part until you feel like you can tackle the world.
This means creating rituals and routines that make you feel more like a boss. It doesn’t mean you need to spend thousands to get your nails done and create a whole new wardrobe to look the part. But it does mean taking a few extra minutes to make yourself feel the part. It means prioritizing taking care of yourself –– and that often means starting with a quality morning routine and as cliché as it is, exercise.
Empire builders don’t question their ability to succeed or whether they are worthy of success.
They are always confident with the knowledge that they can make their business succeed. Their confidence pushes them to take even bigger risks that come with bigger rewards. When you come to think of it, a confident entrepreneur secures more trust and similar confidence in their clients and potential investors, another recipe for entrepreneurial success.
Hack #2: 10x Your Goals
A goal is a wish without a plan. And your vision is wasted without goals. After you’ve dreamed up your vision, no matter what it is. Set goals to achieve it. Set big goals and have big plans! Then set smaller achievable goals to help you accomplish your mission, whatever it may be. Don’t be afraid to have big plans for yourself. But remember, not to stop there. Always make goals for your big plan!
Goals are so important to long term success.
Without them there is no vision for the future and nothing to work toward 80 percent of the world’s richest people set goals, they inspire you, encourage you, reward you, and help you plan and execute your actions better and more quickly. Not only should you set goals, you should plan on how you will reach those goals. Empire builders are focused on their goals. They do not let distractions derail them from achieving their objectives. They have clear steps that they take every day to bring them closer to their goals.
Empire builders are solemnly focused on making their business a success and they are keen to eliminate any distractions or hindrances to their goals.
They have clearly stated strategies and outlined tactics on how to accomplish their goals. Discipline takes them as far as strictly following their business schedules and activities, observing their spending and investing habits to adhering to their personal and general business principles and ethics. Simply put; they are disciplined enough to daily take steps towards archiving their business objectives.
Many people are living like lost sheep because they have no idea what they want out of their lives.
They follow wherever the crowd goes instead of following their heart and plan for the future that they want. Never let this happen to you. Start making conscious decisions and make the future you want possible, starting with goal setting. Until an idea or an intention or a goal lands on you, you will always be reactive by responding to your life. This is the core benefit of having goals. When you know what you want to go, you can then work your way there. You can’t get to your destination without knowing where you want to go in the first place.
When we set a big goal, we build a bottom-up plan to achieve it.
Goals like “10x” not only align and focus a group of people, they force us to get creative and place bets we may not have otherwise considered, because going with the status quo won’t get us nearly as far. That’s the idea behind BHAG — Big Hairy Audacious Goals, the term Jim Collins coined in Built to Last to describe wildly ambitious, if not impossible, goals. We set big goals not to hold anyone’s feet to the fire, but to learn as much as we can along the way and to force creative and innovative thinking.
Hack #3: Have a Great Cause
Your story, mission statement and core beliefs are what allow customers to relate to your business. They’re what stir emotions and cause a connection between consumers and your brand. Authenticity and transparency are necessary in order to command the type of audience needed to build a business empire.
If you want to build a multimillion-dollar business, you need a product to sell and a story to tell.
When you look at the biggest brands out there, they share a story along with their products and services. Thankfully, it doesn’t cost that much to make a product that fits the needs of the people you’re trying to serve. What kind of product can you make within the next few months?
Give back to those around you. Serving those around you creates a bigger purpose for your empire.
Aim to serve rather than to be served. Aim to inspire, motivate and encourage those around you. I always feel the most encouraged myself after encouraging others. No matter what stage of your dream or business your own. Continually serve and give to those around you without expecting anything back. This creates an inspired heart that is motivated to work hard and to continually help others while doing it.
Empire builders know exactly what they want and do visualize themselves doing it.
They know what they need to do to achieve their entrepreneurial vision and they go ahead to establish how to do it. They establish through intensive but targeted networking. They are so open to new ideas and new people but do not make meaningless conversations. They have a natural curiosity when interacting with people and by so doing, learn about what people want. Creativity balanced with a business brain makes a formidable entrepreneur, so develop that too. There’s no point in being a whizz with numbers if you can’t figure out an idea to get things off the ground.
The way the public perceives your business is directly tied to how successful your business will be, especially in the early years.
It is not an easy task to keep your entire base of customers happy, and you must be prepared to be unable to please everyone. Failure is just as much a part of a business as success is. However, even through harsh criticism from a vocal minority, a generally positive public opinion can lead to a successful business. What makes the public happy is constantly changing. Keep up to date with everything going on in the world and how people are generally feeling to best capitalize on them.
Hack #4: Unite Your Army
Hiring and training people is a serious duty because of all the responsibilities it entails. Develop a culture that attracts the best employees. The Starbucks model of offering employees great benefits make people want to show up for work each day. That’s our goal. Appreciate your employees and hire the ones that will take pride in their work.
Sure, you can run a ‘lifestyle’ business on skeleton staff, but if you want vast and lasting wealth, scale and sustainability, then you need a team.
There is no ‘I’ in ‘TEAM’. you need to hire up in your areas of weakness. You need to hire up people smarter than you. You need to hire specialists so you can remain the generalists. You have a maximum capacity for quality work; that could be 4, 6 or 8 good hours a day. If you have 10 great people that’s 40, 60 or 80 good hours a day. Sure, it takes money to hire people, and time to train them, and time to find good people. These are all investments of time, and the opportunity cost of not hiring up is not having an empire.
Promoting from within puts people who know your business and have remained loyal into positions of power and influence.
When your management team has completely bought into your business, you have a solid core of individuals on which to build an empire. While it is always good to have fresh faces and ideas, having a core group of trusted employees allows you to focus on growth, rather than putting out fires. You need to have the right people in place in order to delegate important tasks without causing delays or other operational mishaps. Decide which tasks can and should be handled by someone else and focus your mind on the growth of your business.
Empire builder are team builders. They are skilled networkers who build strong contacts needed for success.
Nobody ever succeeds alone; rather, success requires team building. Empire builders have persuasion skills that enable them to convince people to work for them even when their ideas may seem crazy. Having highly qualified employees in the right place creates an environment for success for years to come and allows key business goals to be met. A company’s employees are arguably the most important factor in sustainable growth, future, and succession planning.
You cannot be everywhere at once.
In a dream world, you might be able to attend all client meetings, all sales calls, and all business-related activities. But the reality is that you cannot be everywhere at once, and nor should you because you would burn out. The good news is that you can hire good employees to be where you are not. The right employees in the right roles, will do just as good a job as you (if not better) in any and all activities. With the right training, mentoring, and support, your employees will help you feel positive and successful without you having to be everywhere.
Hack #5: Never Stop Expanding
Once you get a good grip on serving your market, you’re going to want to scale and leverage your business. To build a multi-million dollar empire, you’ll need to produce on a massive level. However, the only way you can cater to the masses is by using your feedback to reach a bigger audience. You should be able to get this feedback from those you’ve already served.
Having a variety of product and service offerings allows you to remain flexible in any financial climate.
It also allows you to focus on a variety of niche audiences. When one product or service is made unprofitable for any reason, you can rely on your other offerings to maintain your bottom line and continue to grow. Choosing products that complement your current goods will allow for cross-promotion and the creation of bundled package deals. In Besides, exceeding expectations is a must in order to expand your business. Taking care to create a dynamite customer experience and providing the proper support and instructions for your products or services will have a tremendous impact on the way your brand is perceived in the global market. Over-delivering allows you to make a lasting positive impression on your customers, which can help to create word of mouth advertising and customer loyalty.
“Work smarter, not harder” is the motto of the empire builders.
They’re all about creating systems that make life and business run smoothly. They’re optimizers and work to develop sustainable options that allow their business to operate at the highest level and expand naturally. They use these practices for their personal lives too. As your business expands, you’ll need to create systems that support you. Systems that work in your favor will keep your empire from overwhelming you. The right system allows you to protect your most valuable asset: your time. Instead of rushing into false pressures, non-emergencies, and menial tasks, your systems will help you organize and prioritize your tasks.
We live in a fast-paced world of new technology, changing trends and constant streams of information.
You cannot learn everything but you need to keep current on things that impact your business, clients and industry. Being a lifelong learner is key to being an expert in your field. Empire builders know that every slight problem and hiccup along the way can be turned round to become a potential opportunity. When life throws you a curveball, don’t panic, don’t crumble, just logically think of a solution to your current predicament. Every question has its answer, you just need to find it.
Open mindedness is a vital characteristic of empire builders.
These are individuals that are ever open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. They get inspiration from different sources and focus it on achieving their goals. They aren’t afraid to get a little messy, and business gets messy. They figure out who they are and what works and doesn’t work for them –– in life and business. And more importantly, they use that information to adjust. Whether it’s looking at data or trusting their gut, they alter their path, again and again. They make decisions fast and consider all the angles. They take action and launch before they’re ready.
Wrapping Up
Success begets success. If you start where you are and absorb the opportunities around you, you’ll be able to drink the joys of life. You have to take what you get in life to get what you want out of life. Building a multi-million dollar empire is about learning how to serve people on a small level, then taking it to the highest level.
A business empire is any business that starts from scratch, proves itself and continues to grow over time.
Building an empire takes time, a myriad of steps, relationship building and finding the right partners. It is not easy for anyone to grow their business overnight. Of course, it requires your hard work, sleepless nights, patience, hustle, never give up attitude and dedication. Running a business is like a roller coaster ride, in which you will face both ups and downs during the journey. But if you have a vision and game plan, then no one can stop you. Just fuel your business with the vision you have and, start working on it.
We can all be more boss, and possess the traits that make us unstoppable.
There are many things you need to build a successful business that grows into an empire. Once again, it takes tenacity, hard work and an enthusiasm for what you are doing. Empire builders are the people who get up every day and move forward no matter what. Those are the people who reach empire levels of success.
Once you have built the foundation, it’s up to you to continue until you reach the skies.
What do you think? I love to hear your success stories so let me know and don’t forget to like, comment and share. Check out the rest of my blog posts for more inspiring and essential business tips!
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