- Geekmaster
- 2022-04-04 18:32:23
- 19 minute(s)
Five Key Components to Becoming a Charismatic Leader
A charismatic leader is a leader that has a powerful personality that inspires and motivates people. A charismatic leader doesn’t necessarily have to have a large list of qualifications or education to denote credibility. A charismatic leader manages to compel people simply by possessing a myriad of personality traits that naturally entice a large crowd. Actually, there are many factors and key components to becoming a charismatic leader and—though it takes time to achieve—there are things you can do right now to begin developing charisma.
Charisma calls people to action, so real change in the world occurs.
All of us want to be a more charismatic leader. The leader that motivates us to accomplish more and that inspires us to be successful as a team. When you meet someone for the first time, you can feel that level of charisma. You become energized, as does the whole room. Good news is that you can be that leader, if you decide you will do what it takes!
Throughout history, there have been individuals blessed with a unique, special quality.
They stand apart from the rest of humanity, larger than life itself, as if endowed with supernatural or superhuman abilities with unlimited capability and potential. As natural leaders, they inspire those in their presence and stir deep emotions with their eloquence, appearance, and manner. They share the gift of charisma.
Charismatic leadership uses articulate communication, encouragement, and power of personality to motivate others to behave in a particular way.
Charismatic leadership depends on the leader’s eloquence, their firm belief in their mission, and their ability to make their followers or subordinates feel the same way. Charismatic leaders can encourage, inspire, and get individuals to achieve the mission at hand. No wonder many politicians and activists have been described as charismatic. Charismatic leadership relies, more than any other leadership style, on the personality of the leader.
Here are 5 ways to be a more charismatic leader.
Being able to switch on charisma at will is a wonderful skill that will make you more powerful, more liked and more of a leader. This article will provide you with traits and examples of charismatic people and provide you an how to guide on how to become more charismatic leader.
Charismatic Leader Tip #1: Bonding is Everything
Instead of focusing on you and your demands every time, occasionally ask them if they think you are taking the right step. Let their thoughts and concerns be heard by questioning them about their “comfort” level with any new task. You don’t have to do this every time, of course. However, even doing this occasionally would make your team members feel like their leader isn’t just there to lead but also to listen and learn from his or her followers.
Charismatic leaders make their people feel like the most important person in the room.
Everyone wants to feel important and great leaders have learned that we are inspired more when they show how important we are. You should also set amazing goals that your team will be proud to achieve. A great leader provides us with a sense of mission and confidence that the mission can be achieved. This requires excellent public-speaking and presentation skills, combined with confidence and an ability to radiate warmth towards people. To make someone feel as if they’re the only person that matters, do these three things during conversations: Lower the intonation of your voice at the end of sentences, reduce how quickly and often you nod and pause for two full seconds before speaking.
It goes without saying, people want to follow a leader who understands and connects with them like no other.
Ask personal questions, use a person’s name, show interest in learning more about who each individual you speak to is. Mountains start moving when people feel like you’re invested in them. Followers must hear you need them by your side in order to accomplish your just cause. Charismatic leaders are focused on others, not themselves. To be charismatic, you must care about your people, and the more you truly care about your people, the more charismatic you become. You must put the care in charisma and focus on others.
A charismatic person will speak to you as though you were the only person in the world.
A charismatic person will seem to focus on your words, your eyes, your core, making you feel heard, safe, interesting, and special. He will appeal to your emotions on a genuine level. In turn you will feel drawn to them… You will feel a need to reciprocate the same by paying the charismatic person them same kind of attention that they gave you. You want to do to them what they have done for you and without knowing it; you are attaching yourself to this person. Human beings are creatures of emotion, and we stick with certain people because we have made strong and positive emotions connections.
The charismatic leadership style has a very people-centric focus.
The ideas and activities of a charismatic leader are aimed at bringing about a change that will impact the people at a spiritual, political, or societal level. Additionally, these leaders can connect their followers to their mission extremely well. Whatever you do for a living you need empathy to win in the market place. As Howard Schultz said “We are not in the coffee business serving people but in the people business serving coffee.” Apple has deep empathy for the customer and they demonstrate it through their breakthrough design. So develop your empathetic skills and you can win bigger in the market place.
Charismatic Leader Tip #2: Possess & Entail Confidence
A charismatic leader is also one that has a high level of confidence. Confidence is magical. It makes you believe in what you are saying regardless of your doubts, and very often it compels others to also believe what you are saying even if they believed previously otherwise. This quality is of utmost important for leaders who have a strong vision and mission to follow.
Charismatic leaders don’t feed off of external praise and validation.
Their confidence stems from the internal validation of working toward the greater good. Confidence isn’t something you have to fake when you’re aligned with your purpose and mission in life. It’s something that comes from within. It’s the self-assurance you’re in the right place, and you’re doing the right thing. You don’t need others to tell you this. A leader who takes on challenges with strong reassurance that they and their team can finish it presents themselves as confident. When issues arise, or problems are found, a charismatic leader can confidently take control. They delegate tasks and clearly communicate their wishes and the outcome they seek. The main takeaway for confidence is to look and act as if no matter what someone goes through, everything will result in a good outcome.
You radiate self-confidence by the person you are. We have seen great leaders and the first thing we notice is their self-confidence.
The first step to increase your self-confidence is to raise your self-awareness. You do this by doing a strong assessment of your strengths so go ahead and identify all your positive qualities and strengths. Do a success inventory by writing down all the accomplishments you have ever had in your life. Set large goals for your life but keep it confidential. Reflect on your life by understanding what you did right every week and what can be improved. By doing all this you raise your self-confidence and you radiate warmth to everyone you meet.
Someone has said
You are what you pretend to be, so be careful what you pretend to be.
Confidence is a matter of perception, of believing in one’s self. Just as an actor transforms into a Roman Julius Caesar or a British Lord, you can become more self-confident by simply believing and acting as if you are the person you want to become. It’s important to do what you think is right, even when you fear that the result will make you unpopular. Knowing that you can cope with whatever problems life throws at you is a strength that comes from constant and continuous “doing.” Experience breeds knowledge, and knowledge builds confidence. The more you confront your fears, the easier each confrontation becomes. You know more about yourself today and what you want from life; what others say or think about you is less important because you know yourself better than anyone else could ever know you.
While you might find yourself wishing you were more like these leaders in one way or the other, realize that people admire you for your gifts, too.
The more you grow and develop your natural strengths, the more people will naturally gravitate toward you. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. gave almost 450 speeches a year. It’s no wonder he became one of the world’s best public speakers capable of calling masses of people to action. It was a talent he honed and crafted. Take some time to consider what your natural strengths are. If you’re not sure where to start, focus on communicating a distinct, clear vision of a better future. It’s one of the top traits all charismatic leaders share.
Charismatic Leader Tip #3: Have a Vision
Charismatic leaders who inspire tend to lead by example. They are well aware of the fact that their own commitment to their goals is important to team motivation. Great leaders don’t care about getting their hands dirty and leaving no stone unturned to get the job done. In fact, they are ready do whatever it takes on every level through pure passion and hard work. This deep sense of commitment and hard work not only portrays them as fair and genuine leaders, but also inculcates the same sense of motivation and hard work among their team members.
Your employees, peers and stakeholders need to be excited by your vision of the future.
They need to trust in you and believe in your vision. Share your vision and excite those around you. Charismatic people don’t wait for things to happen, they make them happen. Vision is what makes people get out of their seats and do something about injustice because it translates into urgency and incentive and defines a problem and tells people they cannot wait any longer to solve it. Purpose fuels charismatic leaders. They want to create real change in the world. But to do this, they need people to join their cause. The only way to do this is by communicating their vision, or as pastor Andy Stanley describes “a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.”
A charismatic leader leads by example.
The reason this comes so easy to them is because they have committed, more than anyone else, to the cause and they realize that their own commitment is crucial for the groups drive. You have to believe in the truth of the messages you are passing on to your followers or potential followers. To be a charismatic leader you have to show your followers that you are willing to go the distance and do whatever it takes to reach the group’s goal. This evidently deep commitment will portray you, and in reality make you, a great and genuine leader while simultaneously motivating your followers to follow in your example.
Have something you believe in. A goal you’re moving towards, a vision you believe in, a change you want to see in the world.
This is a world of lost souls looking for a master. And when you know where you’re going people will instinctively want to follow you. Even if you’re not yet clear about the steps, the vision and drive are the most important aspects. Where you’re going matter less than having a strong cause, an ideal or a vision you communicate passionately about. Just look at Greta Thumberg. She knows sh*t about climate change, but she communicates with purpose and passion and the sheep follow her.
Vision is a clear, inspiring, practical, and attractive picture of your organization’s future.
Without this, you’re effectively voting for the status quo. Your organization doesn’t need a leader unless they want to change. It doesn’t take a leader to maintain the status quo. A competent manager will do just fine. If, however, you find the status quo unacceptable and want to focus your efforts, energize your team, and scale your business, you must be a vision-driven leader. By formulating a compelling vision of the future, leaders can achieve what was previously considered impossible. They can develop meaningful strategies, attract A-plus talent, and take their organizations to new and exciting places.
5 Super Easy Ways Leaders Use To Stretch Their Goals That Produce Great Results
Charismatic Leader Tip #4: Learn How to Tell Stories
It turns out that charismatic people are good at telling stories. But what makes for a good storyteller? According to the Times, great storytellers excel at paraphrasing action and using facial gestures, energetic body language and vocal inflections to frame key points. What’s more they tell stories with moral conviction, they reflect how the group feels, and they ask questions to engage listeners.
A charismatic leader can clearly communicate job duties and goals to their team.
They speak openly, in a professional way, and convey their exact thoughts without speaking too little or too much. They also allow open communication between everyone. They encourage their employees to speak freely without fear of repercussions. They also have good listening skills so that their employees feel heard. This helps inspire followers or subordinates during stressful times and helps them remain grounded when things are great. Communicating one-to-one or in a group environment is equally easy for these leaders.
You can’t be a great leader without the ability to communicate.
Skillful speaking doesn’t mean talking to a large audience though that is necessary. It is the ability to communicate effectively the goals and vision of the organization or project. Develop your communication skills by being totally present, listening attentively, clearly articulating what you want to achieve, ask for what you want, clarify your expectations, make your objectives clear, set challenging goals, and give constant feedback. Of course I have mainly talked about the business aspect but to be a true leader you have to know the pulse of the people and you do this by taking an interest in their personal lives and hobbies. You become charismatic by taking a genuine interest in the other person and speaking in the language of the other person.
Leaders are those people who are able to get listeners to synchronize to their rhythm and reason through their use of language, timing, and repetition — communication techniques that can be learned and practiced.
Researchers claim that charismatic people are larger than life with broad gestures and grand imagery, using more than twice as many metaphors as found in typical conversations. Metaphors are important because they help understanding; the best metaphors create a visual image in the minds of the listener that has emotional content, as well as explanation to which the hearer can relate. Everyone can learn the skills of how to be a better communicator. Learning how to speak, when to speak, and the way to speak is a matter of education, training, and practice. Eloquence is an asset, but not a necessity. It is much more important to be sincere and understandable.
Most people are constantly in doubt. They don’t know if they’ll manage, they don’t know what they will do with their life…
And they don’t know what they will do later today. Not the charismatic. The charismatic has an air of eternal confidence and certitude. And it’s frankly difficult not to be swept away by the mixture of passion and conviction of some of the most charismatic men in history. Sometimes they appeal to nothing concrete. They call up in arms for honor, empires, value. But they say it so convincingly passionately that, deep down, we all admire them and want to be on their side.
Charismatic Leader Tip #5: Be Yourself, Be Positive
Negative self-talk can easily become a habit, so it’s best to address it immediately. It reinforces a negative image of yourself and your performance, which ultimately reduces your self-confidence — the foundation of your charisma. Next time you find yourself thinking or saying something negative, replace the thought or statement with a positive one. Establish statements that describe what you’d like to believe about yourself, and begin reciting them to yourself on a daily basis.
Optimists are more successful.
Optimism is necessary in developing leadership charisma because it is your source of motivation as you pursue your vision. There are many ways to become more optimistic, which include practicing positive self-talk, focusing on goals, avoiding sources of negativity, and giving yourself a pat on the back for your accomplishments. Take control of your mind. By thinking pleasant thoughts and reminding yourself to stay positive, you will appear more positive to others. Even when speaking on the phone, it’s important to smile and be positive. Your inner emotions do come through.
One of the first things you will notice in a charismatic person is a certain spark of life within them, a certain enthusiasm, even if you are not certain for what.
Whether the charismatic person is good or bad, whether they bring peace or instigate unrest, there is a strong passion within them that evokes powerful emotions in the people around them. They make people feel good about joining a cause and they evidently derive pleasure from sharing their cause with others. Whether consciously or subconsciously people are able to feel and feed off this passion. This coupled with a feeling of being wanted and needed in the cause draws people to even closer to the person.
Someone has said
A charismatic leader understands that they aren’t perfect. Arrogance is one of the worst traits of leadership.
Instead, a leader should be willing to accept their mistakes and take on mistakes from their team as their own. They understand they can improve and strive to do so for the sake of their team. They are also aware they are a part of the team. If a small job needs to be completed and they have time to tackle it, they accomplish the job themselves instead of asking someone to do it for them. The leadership value of humility shows their employees that their leader is human, yet their other traits are what gave them command.
We all put on a mask in public. We try to hide our emotions, to show ourselves stronger, smarter and better than we really think we are.
So when someone can show himself (figuratively) naked in front of an audience it impresses us all. Dropping the mask can be a sign of strength, and it’s also a sign that we are possibly more emotional than rational. And again, it’s emotions that appeal us the strongest. Vulnerability also includes admitting and fessing up to your shortcomings without fears. Do not be afraid of embracing and conveying vulnerability. Relatability is the key to successful leadership in the 21st century and beyond, yet so many leaders continue to struggle with sharing their humanity for fear that it is a show of weakness. It’s actually the total opposite.
Wrapping Up
Being charismatic is one of the most important skill you have as a leader. It is critical you take action to be more charismatic. By making small changes and developing these skills over time, you will enhance your ability to bring out the best in others. By helping others achieve more, by inspiring others to be great and uniting others in a vision, we truly learn the importance of leadership and its ability to allow others to be successful.
Charisma isn’t about becoming something you’re not—it’s about becoming the best version of yourself.
For instance, don’t try and become an extrovert if you’re naturally more introverted. Your main focus should be making others feel good about themselves and leading with a just cause. This is what will define you as a charismatic leader. Possessing charisma as a leader is a huge asset. It ensures that your followers follow you willingly and as opposed to authoritative leadership, this is lasting and sustainable power.
People will naturally follow a leader who gets them sold and excited about a vision.
A charismatic leader is able to gain the trust of his followers inspire, guide, and motivate the group to meet its targets. Trust is necessary in a leader-follower relationship because trust is the glue that binds a follower to his leader, in turn causing action. While a leader can be effective without charisma, that kind of leadership would only be effective where there is a rigid system in place, where people are guided by strict authoritative rules.
Charisma enables you to be more influential in your community and to be part of something “bigger.”
It gives you the ability to affect others and your environment to accomplish goals. As you acquire the abilities that make you respected and trusted, you will more easily reach your goals and bring happiness into the lives of those around you. Follow the simple steps discussed above to master your charisma. Your charismatic leadership will make you a better and more effective leader who is truly in service to his people and who has lasting and sustainable authority.
What do you think about charisma? Do you have it? Do you want it?
As you can see charisma is not something you are born with. Even if you are not leading a large organization it is imperative that we learn the elements of charisma. Adopting even one or two of these methods can increase your charisma and make you the leader that others want to follow. No matter who is leading a team, using techniques to generate more charisma can yield benefits. It’s time to develop your leadership skills and uncover your potential as a charismatic leader.
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